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Nour Engueleguele

Research Analyst, International Security Programme, Politico-Military Dimension

Nour Engueleguele

Research Analyst, International Security Programme, Politico-Military Dimension

Nour is a Research Analyst at the International Security Programme.


  • International Security


French, English


Nour did her Bachelor Degree in European Studies at the European School of Political Sciences in Lille (France) and her Master Degree in International Relations, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution at the Catholic University of Louvain La Neuve. Through her scholarship she specialized herself in European foreign security and defence issues, international security and the prevention/resolution of conflict. She had the opportunity to do a traineeship at the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), the European Army Interoperability Centre (FINABEL) and she is a volunteer at the NGO Justice and Paix. These experiences have allowed her to reinforce her knowledge in these areas and acquire new expertise on European military issues and peace maintaining in Africa.

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