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Kyle Galea

Research Analyst for the International Security Programme

Kyle Galea

Research Analyst for the International Security Programme

Kyle is a Research Analyst within the International Security Programme


  • Trade and Economic Security

  • Ethnic and Religious Conflict

  • Extremism


English, Maltese


Kyle Galea is a Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies alumnus and a research analyst for the CYIS’s International Security Programme. Academically, his Master’s degree in Diplomatic Studies covered areas such as International Law, International Economics, Media and, most importantly in terms of this position, Security Studies. Under the tutelage of experts drawn from organizations such as the OSCE, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA Switzerland) and Federal Foreign Office (Germany), this education covered areas such as securitization, conflict resolution, international security, counter-terrorism, radicalization and arms proliferation with case studies drawn from the general Mediterranean but also from further ashore. He has also endeavored to learn independently, taking up courses such as those created by the Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance. He has also been heavily engaged in the executive team of a student organization, the MaltMUN Society, which covers matters of international law and international security both academically and through liaising with keynote speakers, ministries and international organizations. In his position as Academic Officer, he has personally organized, commenced and executed projects including a number of seminars involving prominent figures from several organizations such as Interpol and the Japanese National Defense College.

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